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Saturday 30 May 2015

health benefits of watermelon

health benefits of watermelon
Best health benefits of watermelon

health benefits of watermelon in summers

Despite popular belief that watermelon is made up of only water and sugar, watermelon is actually considered a nutrient dense food, a food that provides a high amount of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants for a low amount of calories.

Watermelons have become synonymous with summer and picnics, and for good reason. Their refreshing quality and sweet taste help to combat the heat and also provide a guilt-free, low maintenance dessert for kids and adults alike to enjoy.

Watermelon also contains thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B-6, folate, pantothenic acid, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium, choline, lycopene and betaine. According to the National Watermelon Promotion Board, watermelon contains more lycopene than any other fruit or vegetable.

Possible health benefits of water melon

Consuming fruits and vegetables of all kinds has long been associated with a reduced risk of many lifestyle-related health conditions. Many studies have suggested that increasing consumption of plant foods like watermelon decreases the risk of obesity and overall mortality, diabetes, heart disease and promotes a healthy complexion and hair, increased energy, overall lower weight.

Asthma prevention:

The risks for developing asthma are lower in people who consume a high amount of certain nutrients. One of these nutrients is vitamin C, found in many fruits and vegetables including watermelon.

Blood pressure:

A study published by the American Journal of Hypertension found that watermelon extract supplementation reduced ankle blood pressure, brachial blood pressure and carotid wave reflection in obese middle-aged adults with prehypertension or stage 1 hypertension and that watermelon extract improved arterial function.

Diets rich in lycopene may help protect against heart disease.

As an excellent source of the strong antioxidant vitamin C as well as other antioxidants, watermelon can help combat the formation of free radicals known to cause cancer. Lycopene intake has been linked with a decreased risk of prostate cancer prevention in several studies.

Digestion and regularity:

Watermelon, because of its water and fiber content, helps to prevent constipation and promote regularity for a healthy digestive tract.


Made up of 92% water and full of important electrolytes, watermelon is a great snack to have on hand during the hot summer months to prevent dehydration.


Choline is a very important and versatile nutrient in watermelon that aids our bodies in sleep, muscle movement, learning and memory. Choline also helps to maintain the structure of cellular membranes, aids in the transmission of nerve impulses, assists in the absorption of fat and reduces chronic inflammation.1

Muscle soreness:

Watermelon and watermelon juice have been shown to reduce muscle soreness and improve recovery time following exercise in athletes. Researchers believe this is likely do to the amino acid L-citrulline contained in watermelon.


Watermelon is also great for your skin because it contains vitamin A, a nutrient required for sebum production that keeps hair moisturized. Vitamin A is also necessary for the growth of all bodily tissues, including skin and hair.

Friday 29 May 2015

8 Best Ayurvedic Medicines For Weight Loss

Ayurvedic Medicines For Weight Loss
Best Ayurvedic Medicines For Weight Loss

Ayurvedic Medicines For Weight Loss at sunrise naturopathy health resort

Garcinia Cambogia (Vrikshamla)

Garcinia cambogia is a popular ingredient in Ayurvedic medicines for weight loss. It contains hydroxycitric acid, which might help to inhibit fat accumulation. Studies suggest that Garcinia cambogia might modulate the activities of genes associated with fat synthesis. When taken with a high-fat diet, Garcinia cambogia might prevent development of visceral fat tissues.

Commiphora Mukul Resin (Guggul)

Commiphora wightii resin, commonly known as Guggul, is a powerful fat burner. It could correct lipid disorders and treat obesity. It could lower total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein or the bad cholesterol and triglycerides. Guggul could even elevate the concentration of high-density lipoprotein or the good cholesterol in the blood.

Ginger (Zingiber Officinale)

Ginger might assist weight loss. The phytochemicals present in ginger regulate metabolism of cholesterol and controls oxidation of fatty acids. It inhibits fat accumulation and lowers the cholesterol level in the blood.

Salacia Reticulata (Kotahla Himbutu)

Salacia reticulata, a popular Ayurvedic herb for weight loss, impairs growth and multiplication of adipose cells. It suppresses accumulation of fats. It is especially effective in people suffering from insulin resistance diabetes, in which excess body fat reduces sensitivity to the hormone insulin.

Nigella Sativa

The seed extract of Nigella sativa, commonly known as kalonji in the Indian subcontinent, is recommended by Ayurvedic practitioners for promoting weight loss. The anti-obesity effect of Nigella sativa seed extract has been demonstrated in clinical trials. It could improve the body mass index and waist-hip ratios.

Glycyrrhiza Glabra (Licorice)

Abdominal fat could be reduced with the help of licorice. Flavonoids in licorice inhibit oxidation of fatty acids. It also helps to reduce triglyceride content in the liver and blood.

Diet For Obese People

In Ayurveda, health disorders are attributed to imbalance of the pitta, vata and kapha systems of the body. According to the traditional Indian medicine system, kapha dosha is responsible for accumulation of excess fat in the body. Individuals prone to kapha dosha tend to overeat. They especially crave for sweat foods. According to Ayurveda, obesity might be treated by healing the kapha dosha.

Dietary intervention might help to treat kapha dosha. The traditional Indian medicine system claims that people prone to kapha dosha have ‘low digestive fire’. Hence, they should avoid heavy meals. Instead, they should have smaller lighter meals, once in every four hours.

They should limit consumption of sweet, salty and sour foods that require high digestive fire for digestion. Increasing intake of bitter, astringent and pungent food would promote secretion of digestive enzymes. Consuming cold beverages and foods tend to aggravate the kapha dosha. People prone to kapha dosha should not eat too slowly or too quickly. Eating at a slow pace or high pace might lead to overeating.

Thursday 28 May 2015

10 ayurvedic tips for summer

ayurvedic tips for summer
Ayurveda tips for summer

Best Ayurveda tips for summer

Try Ayurvedic Sunbathing

Take a 10-to-15-minute walk at sunrise, when the gentle rays that fall on your face and skin will stimulate sadhaka pitta

Take a 10-to-15-minute walk at sunrise, when the gentle rays that fall on your face and skin will stimulate sadhaka pitta—an energetic principle that, according to ayurveda, is a mood lifter similar to serotonin and melatonin and promotes creativity and joy. Sunlight also helps stimulate the body’s production of vitamin D—a fat-soluble vitamin that plays an important role in calcium absorption, which in turn leads to stronger bones.

Stay Hydrated

Summer’s intense heat saps moisture from plants, the earth, and our bodies. That’s why it’s okay to add an extra pinch of salt in your food in the summer to compensate for sweating and to prevent fatigue. Also, drink at least six 8-ounce cups of water per day.

Eat Cooling Foods

Some of the best pitta-pacifying foods are leafy greens, coconut, cucumber, cantaloupe, and watermelon. The best dairy products are yogurt, milk, and ghee (clarified butter). Garnish salads and other dishes with cooling cilantro, parsley, and alfalfa sprouts, and avoid hot drinks, spicy food, alcohol, caffeine, and chilies.

Moisturize Daily

After showering, mix one teaspoon each of organic, unrefined coconut oil and castor oil in a glass bottle with a cap. Place the bottle in hot water until the oil is lukewarm (not hot!). Apply to your whole body to keep your skin supple, soft, and cool. You can also use this treatment before you swim to protect your skin from salt water or chlorine.

Try Aromatherapy

Dab one drop of sandalwood essential oil on your temples, eyebrow center, throat center (at the hollow of the throat), wrists, and belly button. According to subtle ayurvedic principles, your whole aura will be charged with a sweet fragrance that pacifies pitta.

Adjust Your Bedtime Routine

You can go to bed a little later on summer nights, around 11 p.m. when some of the sun’s heat has dissipated. Sleep on your right side to open your left nostril, which corresponds to the ida nadi, the subtle energy channel that corresponds to the cooling moon.

Natural Solutions for Summer Bummers

Rub preservative-free aloe gel on your skin. Or juice a few ounces of fresh cilantro and drink two teaspoons three times a day. Apply the cilantro pulp to your sunburn; it’s cooling and soothing.

A Soothing Summer Meditation

For thousands of years, yogis have begun their day with spiritual practices that honor the sun: surya namaskara (sun salutations); surya trataka (a master practice that involves gazing at the sun); and a walk at sunrise to absorb the early morning rays. The sun is the source of all life. That’s why summer is the perfect time to recite the Gayatri mantra, the Vedic song of sunlight, during meditation.

Wednesday 27 May 2015


spa tips at sunrise health resort
Spa tips at sunrise naturopathy health resort

spa tips for Treatments & Therapies

Our programme incorporate a combination of Ayurvedic, Yogic and International Spa therapies. We suggest that you contact the Spa to discuss and plan your schedule. Our Spa Consultant will guide you and recommend the treatment most suited to you. Your Spa consultation will also include the duration and number of treatments you can have and the sequence in which to have them in order to get maximum benefit.

Health Considerations

A medical questionnaire will have to be filled by you prior to all spa treatments. Please be sure to notify the Spa Consultant if you suffer from any physical ailments, or if you are pregnant. No treatment can be offered to pregnant ladies within the first 16 weeks of pregnancy and thereafter only selective treatments after consultation. Minimum age for spa therapies is 18 years.

Clothing for therapies

Please bring clothing appropriate for the season and the activities you intend to pursue. Fresh cotton Kurta Pyjamas are provided in you room for your convenience on a daily basis and can be worn on the premises or for traveling to Rishikesh for the Ganga Aarati. However, you will need suitable walking/ trekking shoes and appropriate clothing for outdoor activities and rafting. As a rule the weather from November to February is cold and woollens are recommended. March to September is warm and adequate cotton clothing will suffice. September to November is pleasant and a light shawl or sweater will be adequate as additional clothing.

Other Suggestions

Schedule your treatments in advance, as the spa gets busy.
You will be provided with a private locker in the Spa area which will be equipped with robe and slippers to wear while in the spa. Feel free to wear your own loose, comfortable clothing if you prefer.
Disposable underwear will also be provided and can be used as per your discretion.
Jewellery watch etc must be removed and kept in the locker, your therapist will meet you and guide you to your treatment room, feel free to enjoy the relaxation area at the spa after your treatment, Post certain treatments it is recommended to stay away from the sun, so please plan accordingly.
Bring your bathing suit if you plan to enjoy the swimming pool.
Once in your treatment room, your therapist will step out while you remove your robe and climb under the towel of your treatment table. You’ll be draped for privacy at all times.
For your own relaxation and that of our other guests, the spa is a laptop and cell phone-free zone.

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Health benefits of Aloevira

Health benefits of Aloevira
Benefits of aloe vera

Health benefits of aloe vera

Aloe Vera, also known as the ‘plant of immortality’ by the ancient Egyptians, was used for its healing properties since time immemorial. Aloe Vera plants are commonly found in the African regions and belong to the family of Xanthorrhoeaceae, known for its succulent or fleshy leaves. This nontoxic plant stores water in its leaves and survives in low rainfall and arid regions. Aloe Vera leaf looks unique; it doesn’t have any stems and the edges of leaves have tiny spikes.

Aloe Vera is considered to be a miracle plant. Since, it contains phytochemicals and other nutrients which are beneficial for hair, health and skin. Aloe Vera extracts are also used in food and energy drinks. It is a very good habit to drink aloe vera juice on empty stomach every morning, to get maximum benefits of this plant.

Aloe Vera is sold as gel, powder and juice. You can also make fresh aloe juice at home by cutting the leaf and extracting the aloe gel from it. There are different species of the aloe plant, but Aloe Barbadensis Mill is the most popular and widely used variety of aloe vera. The scientific epithet ‘vera’ means true and genuine. So aloe vera derived from the plant will have a tangible impact on the health, hair and skin. You can see your skin glow after using aloe vera, and a glowing skin reflects good health.

Nutritional Value of Aloe Vera

Nutritional Value:
Aloe vera consist as much as 75 nutrients, 20 minerals, 12 vitamins, 18 amino acids and 200 active enzymes. Aloe vera contains Vitamin A, B1, B2, B6 and B12, Vitamin C and E, folic acid and Niacin. Minerals found in aloe vera include copper, iron, sodium, calcium, zinc, potassium, chromium, magnesium and manganese. The nutrients naturally present in aloe vera makes it a potential herbal product that can be safely used both internally and externally. This exotic plant contains other beneficial compounds like polysaccharides, mannans, anthraquinones and lectins. The presence of these nutrients makes it possible to use aloe vera for variety of therapeutic purposes. Aloe vera not only cures the skin, health and hair problems, it so soothing that it also helps you to relax. Let’s have a look at various aloe vera uses and benefits.

Friday 22 May 2015

Shirodhara treatment in Jaipur

Shirodhara  treatment in Jaipur
Shirodhara treatment in Jaipur at sunrise resort

Shirodhara treatment

"Shiro," means head, and "dhara" is the continuous flow of a liquid. In this process, warm herbal oils, milk or buttermilk, or decoctions are poured in a slow steady stream on your forehead. This treatment is profoundly relaxing, nourishing. It will improve your mental clarity and comprehension.

In Shirodhara, warm medicated oil/herbal decoctions/medicated milk/buttermilk is continually poured on the forehead for 20 to 30 minutes. This procedure often induces a completely relaxing and rejuvenating mental and physical state. It revitalizes the central nervous system.

Benefits of Shirodhara treatment

Relieves anxiety
Diabetic Neuropathy
Helps central Nervous System
Hemiplegia Paraplegia
Strengthens the sensory organs
helps insomnia
Controls pre-mature graying of the hair & hair loss
Mental retardation
vastly reduces Stress
Mental Fatigue
General Fatigue
Cerebral Palsy
Premature Graying Of Hair
Brings balance and harmony to body, mind and spirit
Generates a profound state of relaxation in body and mind, relieving stress
Opens up the flow of energy in the body
Stabilizes the nervous system
Eliminates imbalances of the head affecting neck, eyes, ears, nose
Treats insomnia
Turns on the body’s healing mechanisms
Rejuvenates and purifies body and soul
Nourishes hair and scalp, and strengthens hair follicles to prevent hair loss and premature graying
Replenishes skin oils, regaining natural luster and youthfulness
Softens lines and wrinkles on the face by clearing the mind, dissolving stress and relaxing face muscles
Activates the pituitary and pineal glands, as well as the hypothalamus, which organize and regulate all hormones in the body
Promotes fertility by stimulating the pituitary gland, where sexual and reproductive hormones are activated
Helps produce endorphins– the neurotransmitters of the body
Enhances concentration, mental clarity and comprehension
Heightens the senses
Stimulates cognitive memories and increases intuition
Instills a positive approach in life
Opens the Third Eye- increasing spiritual awareness

Thursday 21 May 2015

Accupressure treatment in Jaipur

accupressure treatment in Jaipur
Acupressure treatment in Jaipur at sunrise Health Resort

Acupressure treatment in Jaipur at sunrise naturopathy health resort

his natural Oriental healing technique uses applied pressure to specific points on the body to relax trapped nerves and release blockages. It is used both as a preventive and curative therapy. It helps alleviate pain, fatigue and addresses musculoskeletal problems.

Induces relaxation and restores balance
Stimulates the circulatory and lymphatic system
The therapeutic touch stimulates certain chemicals in the brain that boost the immune system, lifts depression and relieves stress

Acupuncture Treatment in Jaipur

Acupuncture involves the insertion of very thin needles through the patient's skin at specific points on the body - the needles are inserted to various depths.

Wednesday 20 May 2015

Benefits Of Castor Oil

castor oil benefits
Amazing Benefits Of Castor Oil For Skin, Hair And Health

Benefits of Castor Oil in Our Daily Life:

Castor oil is extracted by pressing the seeds of castor plant, also known as Ricinus communis. It is a vegetable oil and the plant is largely native to Africa and India. The oil has been famous in the world over for centuries for its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. The medicinal and therapeutic benefits of the oil make it a favourite across various industries. The uses of castor oil are many for skin, hair and health. It also happens to be one of the most widely-used ingredients in various cosmetics, soaps, textiles, massage oils and even medicines.

Castor oil is one of the few natural products that fight several ailments. Here are the 18 amazing uses and benefits of castor oil in our daily lives.

Castor Oil Benefits for Skin:

Castor oil is a boon when it comes to skin problems like sunburn, acne, dry skin and stretch marks. It also helps evade infections like warts, boils, athlete’s foot (2) and chronic itching. To treat problems like sun burn, warts (3), yeast infections, fungal infections or acne, follow these simple steps:

1. Take a cotton wool ball
2. Dip it in castor oil
3.Apply directly to the affected skin area.
4. Leave it on for an hour
5. Wash off clearly after an hour.
6. Repeat this in the morning and night for faster results.
If the affected area is small – soak a band-aid in castor oil and apply it on the affected area. Finally cover it with a clean one.
If the affected area is large – soak a cloth in castor oil and place on the affected area for an hour before washing off.

Castor Oil Benefits for Hair:

Castor oil is the best remedy for promoting hair growth (13). It is often advised to apply it topically to the scalp for thick hair. You may mix it with coconut or almond oil. The oil boosts blood circulation to the follicles, leading to faster hair growth. The oil also has omega-6 essential fatty acids, responsible for healthy hair. For best results, apply the oil and leave it overnight after covering it with a cap for deep penetration. Wash it off thoroughly the next day. It also helps reduce split ends and controls hair breakage while conditioning and moisturising your hair.

Other Benefits Of Castor Oil:

Apart from the above-mentioned uses, castor oil can also be used to cure problems like

Multiple Sclerosis
Parkinson’s Disease
Cerebral Palsy
Pain from Rheumatism
Gastrointestinal Problems
Menstrual Disorders
Age Spots
Skin Abrasions

Tuesday 19 May 2015

Rejuvenative Treatments center in Jaipur

Rejuvenative Treatments center in Jaipur
Rejuvenative Treatments center in Jaipur

Rejuvenative Treatments center in Jaipur at sunrise Naturopathy centre

Rejuvenation is a cosmetic treatment (or series of cosmetic treatments), which can restore a youthful appearance to the human face. Facial rejuvenation can be achieved through either surgical and/or non-surgical options. Procedures can vary in invasiveness and depth of treatment. Surgical procedures can restore facial symmetry through targeted procedures and facial restructuring and skin alterations. Non-surgical procedures can target specific depths of facial structures and treat localized facial concerns such as wrinkles, skin laxity, hyperpigmentation and scars.

Procedure of Rejuvenation Treatments

Botox injections
Chemical peels
Collagen injection
Cosmetic acupuncture
Dermal filler injections
Facial toning
Laser resurfacing
Nd:YAG laser
Permanent makeup
Platelet-rich fibrin matrix method

Monday 18 May 2015

meditation center in Jaipur

meditation center in Jaipur at sunrise resort

meditation center in Jaipur at sunrise naturopathy health center

Meditation is a very important technique used in Yoga. It is very important to understand what meditation really means before attempting it in one way or the other. Like yoga, this too is a very misinterpreted concept and perhaps, if definition of meditation is asked there would come out as many numbers of answers as there are people. This is because it is a practice whereby the practitioner is seen just sitting quietly in one place and no physical movements can be deciphered; so all his experiences are left to be best explained by him only. No other person can actually fathom them in any way. Since different people experience different things while meditating. This also makes relating the experience to others an arduous task.

The best definition for understanding of the people uninitiated in the art and science of meditation is that it is a process whereby the thoughts are trained to be directed towards the present. It may seem like a very simple sentence but the task is certainly not simplistic in any way. The mind is flooded by numerous thoughts all at the same time. Many old adages say that the mind moves faster than the speed of light. This is very true. To understand this, just try to focus the mind on the any simplistic task that you may be presently engaged in. It may be anything, even a simple routine act of watching television or in this case the act of reading this article. While you are reading the thoughts would be constantly wandering. This goes unnoticed almost always.

Now try and consciously keep the mind on the words that you are reading now. Do not let the mind think of anything else at all. Just focus on the words that you are reading now. Do not even let the mind picture the meaning of these words. Just continue doing this simple act for a few minutes. And try to also check yourself when your mind wanders. It may be getting distracted by the simple word “wanders”. It may be picturing the meaning of the word. A picture may have come into your thought focus instead of the word “wanders” or even the scenes of a trip you may have taken some time back with your family. Just a simple word may actually be able to let your thoughts wander and without even you noticing the whole thing. This is what it means when we say that the mind is constantly flooded with many thoughts all at the same time. This goes unnoticed and in many cases thinking too many things at the same time is such a habit that it cannot be broken easily.

What is Meditation?

Meditation is the process whereby the thoughts are stilled and focussed on one thing only. That thing is the present. This is done for a reason. The present time is the time that is most still if we come to think of it. Let us take another exercise to understand this more deeply. Suppose instead of the present, we focus on any incident that happened in the past. Let us picture the same trip your thoughts were wandering to in the earlier part of this article. Try to focus on that say, for two minutes. What was the outcome after those two minutes? Were you able to focus on one single thought? Was it really possible to focus on one particular incident that happened at that time? Or did you find that your thoughts were constantly wandering, picturing the trip that you perhaps took for a whole week, reliving it in just two minutes. You will notice that the same thing happens if you try to focus your thoughts on anything that you want happening in future. Suppose you want to buy a new car in the near future. You have chosen the model and worked out every single detail. Suppose you try to focus your attention to this thought only. Is it really possible to focus the attention just on the steering wheel of the stationary car? Or did you constantly let your thoughts wander to the scenic beauty around and the envious glances you were getting while you were behind the wheel?

Principles of Meditation?

There are certain principles to be kept in mind constantly at the time of meditation. Initially meditation may be difficult for everyone. But with a little practice the process becomes easier. It is necessary to follow a certain constant pattern and not make many changes in it while meditating.

This can be better understood by taking a simple example. Suppose we want an advertisement to have some results and project it on the national network at a certain time of the day everyday for the consumers to see. And suppose every time the projection happen the network makes some changes in the advertisement, either by adding something, causing an interruption or deleting something. Will the advertisement still have the same effect on the audience? No certainly not. It will definitely not have as much impact as required. It will also give rise to a lot of disappointment. And it will give rise to various questions regarding the investment one has made on the advertisement. Same principle works while meditating also. One has to keep in mind the regularity aspect. This means that the exercise has to done at a certain time of the day everyday. It is important to follow the same timing as a routine because it helps to calm down the mind easily. Also one has to follow a regular pattern constantly even if it does not seem to give results instantly.

Wednesday 13 May 2015

Diet According to Naturopathy

naturopathy centre in Jaipur
Naturopathy diet

Naturopathy diet center in Jaipur

According to this therapy, the food must be taken in natural form. Fresh seasonal fruits, fresh green leafy vegetables and sprouts are excellent. These diets are broadly classified into three types which are as follows:

1. Eliminative Diet
Liquids-Lemon, Citric juices, Tender Coconut water, Vegetable soups, Butter milk, Wheat Grass juices etc.
2. Soothing Diet
Fruits, Salads, Boiled/Steamed Vegetables, Sprouts, Vegetable chutney etc.
3. Constructive Diet
Wholesome flour, Unpolished rice, little pulses, Sprouts, Curd etc. Being alkaline, these diets help in improving health, purifying the body and rendering it immune to disease. To this end, a proper combination of food is necessary. Our diet should consist of 20% acidic and 80% alkaline food for maintaining health. A balanced food is a must for any individual seeking good health.

Benefits of naturopathy diet

It is helpful to cure different digestive disorders

Find more at :

Tuesday 12 May 2015

Holistic Health Spa in Jaipur

Holistic Health Spa  in Jaipur Holistic Spa in Jaipur

Holistic Health Spa treatment in Jaipur

Wellness at The Sunrise Holistic Spa, one of the finest and most holistic spas in the country with a range of fitness facilities and fully equipped gym incorporating elements of design to achieve the full potential of body and mind.

This procedure is applied over the heart for 20 minutes using warm medicated oils or herbal decoctions.

The Sunrise Holistic Spa at our resort in jaipur offers an array of renowned spa treatments and specialized therapies like Ayurveda, Aromatherapy, Reflexology, Chromo-therapy, Thalasso therapy, Hydrotherapy treatments(Bubble bath, Jacuzzi, Circular jet, Hydrotherapy bath, Steam treatments, Sauna treatments) Auricularo therapy , Diet & nutrition, Fitness & exercise, Massage treatments ( Swedish massage, Deep tissue massage, Indian head massage, On-site massage, Lymphatic drainage massage, Stone massage, Shiatsu massage, Spa Aromatherapy massage, Spa Reflexology massage, Fruit massage, Neem Alovera Turmeric massage, Salt Oil glove massage, Ubtan massage, Fruit massage, Chocolate massage

It also features the unique Body Temple and Meditation Island. This is supported by a steam room, sauna, whirlpool, chilled shower and lounge, changing rooms and lockers. This spa resort in Jaipur also has 3 large swimming pool, a deck area and a relaxation lounge.

This Spa resort also features a Health Club and Fitness centre with the latest international equipment & professional trainers. Meditation and yoga is also facilitated in a flush green environment.

Offered SPA services in Jaipur

• Aromatherapy
• Reflexology
• Chromotherapy
• Thalasso therapy
• Hydrotherapy treatments
› Bubble bath
› Jacuzzi
› Hydrotherapy Bath
› Steam Treatments
› Sauna Treatments

Monday 11 May 2015

Treatments of Naturopathy

naturopathy treatment centre in Jaipur
Naturopathy Treatment centre in Jaipur

Naturopathy Treatment at Sunrise Ayurvedic hospital in Jaipur

1.Fasting Therapy

Fasting is an important modality to health lifestyle. In fasting, mental preparedness is an essential pre-condition. Prolonged fasting should be done only under the supervision of a competent Naturopath.

The duration of the fast depends upon the age of the patient, the nature of the disease and amount and type of drugs previously used. It is some times advisable to undertake a series of short fasts of two or three days and gradually increase the duration of each succeeding fast by a day or so. No harm will accrue to fasting patient provided they take rest and are under proper professional care.

2.Magnet therapy

Magnet therapy is a clinical system in which human ailments are treated & cured through the application of magnets to the body of the patients. It is the simplest, cheapest and entirely painless system of treatment with almost no side or after effects. The only tool used is the magnet.

3.Mud Therapy

Soaked mud is applied on the face and allowed to dry for 30 minutes. This is helpful in improving the complexion of the skin and removing pimples and open skin pores which in turn facilitate elimination. This also is helpful in eliminating dark circles around the eyes. After 30 minutes, face should be washed thoroughly with cold water.


An Oriental healing technique used to relax the nerves and release the trapped energy. There are energy zones that run throughout the body and reflex areas in the feet that correspond to all the major organs, glands and parts of the body. Based on the principle that reflex points in the feet and palms correlate to individual organs and parts of the body, manipulations on these reflexes help stimulate the organs. It helps those suffering from insomnia, menstrual problems and pains.

5.Herbal Mud Bath

The earth contains many minerals that are beneficial for human health. It is true that it can aid in the treatment of many diseases and health problems. The mud used for the therapy is dug up from at least four inches below the surface of the earth. It is then depurated of pebbles, decomposed matter and other soil impurities. The clarified mud may be left in the sun so it naturally heats up and activates the minerals or it may be artificially heated to a temperature of up to 50°C after making it wet. This has a thermal effect which further improves absorption of minerals by the skin.


This natural Oriental healing technique uses applied pressure to specific points on the body to relax trapped nerves and release blockages. It is used both as a preventive and curative therapy. It helps alleviate pain, fatigue and addresses musculoskeletal problems.

Know More at:Sunrise naturopathy treatment centre

Treatments of Naturopathy

naturopathy treatment centre in Jaipur
Naturopathy Treatment centre in Jaipur

Naturopathy Treatment at Sunrise Ayurvedic hospital in Jaipur

1.Fasting Therapy

Fasting is an important modality to health lifestyle. In fasting, mental preparedness is an essential pre-condition. Prolonged fasting should be done only under the supervision of a competent Naturopath.

The duration of the fast depends upon the age of the patient, the nature of the disease and amount and type of drugs previously used. It is some times advisable to undertake a series of short fasts of two or three days and gradually increase the duration of each succeeding fast by a day or so. No harm will accrue to fasting patient provided they take rest and are under proper professional care.

2.Magnet therapy

Magnet therapy is a clinical system in which human ailments are treated & cured through the application of magnets to the body of the patients. It is the simplest, cheapest and entirely painless system of treatment with almost no side or after effects. The only tool used is the magnet.

3.Mud Therapy

Soaked mud is applied on the face and allowed to dry for 30 minutes. This is helpful in improving the complexion of the skin and removing pimples and open skin pores which in turn facilitate elimination. This also is helpful in eliminating dark circles around the eyes. After 30 minutes, face should be washed thoroughly with cold water.


An Oriental healing technique used to relax the nerves and release the trapped energy. There are energy zones that run throughout the body and reflex areas in the feet that correspond to all the major organs, glands and parts of the body. Based on the principle that reflex points in the feet and palms correlate to individual organs and parts of the body, manipulations on these reflexes help stimulate the organs. It helps those suffering from insomnia, menstrual problems and pains.

5.Herbal Mud Bath

The earth contains many minerals that are beneficial for human health. It is true that it can aid in the treatment of many diseases and health problems. The mud used for the therapy is dug up from at least four inches below the surface of the earth. It is then depurated of pebbles, decomposed matter and other soil impurities. The clarified mud may be left in the sun so it naturally heats up and activates the minerals or it may be artificially heated to a temperature of up to 50°C after making it wet. This has a thermal effect which further improves absorption of minerals by the skin.


This natural Oriental healing technique uses applied pressure to specific points on the body to relax trapped nerves and release blockages. It is used both as a preventive and curative therapy. It helps alleviate pain, fatigue and addresses musculoskeletal problems.

Know More at:

Saturday 9 May 2015

Adventures & Outdoor Games in Jaipur

adventure games in Jaipur Adventuregames in Jaipur

Outdoor Games in Jaipur

Adventure Games includes Tyre wall, Wall Climbing, Burma Bridge, rope climbing this ride are thrilling aliments at SUNRISE RESORT. It provides you to know the peak level of excitement.

Outdoor games like lawn tennis court, cricket, football, badminton, golf, jogging tracks, volley ball, basketball, Mini Golf, etc with different types of swings and rides.

Sunrise Resort Outdoor games includes Cricket. Football. Volley ball. Basketball, Lawn Tennis, Badminton are the outdoor sports are the assets of SUNRISE RESORT. Establishment of all these activities in specially designed area helps for uninterrupted experience of sports. Something is for everyone is the motto for self satisfaction.

Adventures & Outdoor Games facilities include:

Burma Bridge
Bungee Jumping
Tyre Wall
Wall Climbing
Tennis Court
Football ground
Cricket Ground
Mini Golf
Basket Ball

Tuesday 5 May 2015

Scary House in Jaipur

scary house in Jaipur
Scary house-most haunted place in Jaipur

Scary House at sunrise health resort in Jaipur

scary house

Sunrise Dream World “Sapno ri Dhani” introduces one of the scariest houses in Jaipur. Sunrise Dream World have well elaborated horror house, where you can find your all nightmares Scariest Monsters, Deadliest Ghosts, Screaming Witches, Walking Zombies, Mummies, Ugliest Creatures, flying Souls will definitely scare you to the most. The Decor, Lightning & Sound Effects makes it absolute real. We guarantee you’ll never be able to forget your experience in the Scary House at Sunrise Dream World. It'll leave an impact which you never had before.

With 15 props spread over long haul. The dimly lit, dingy, old, dirty but huge mansion reminds you of a set from Horror mansion. You would expect an old caretaker with a lantern to turn up any minute. Instead, there are number of specially made props which throw themselves upon you when least expected.

The special effects only make the place creepier. Yes, you would want to run out of the house at the first given opportunity, but you would secretly want some more of it too. The dead pianist in the entrance, many old skulls and skeletons tangled in cobwebs over the years, dead bodies in coffins, decaying dead bodies as guests in hall are all part of an ensemble so carefully crafted to give you an experience only possible in hell! And the whole picture is only completed with the cemetery in the front entrance alongside a headless horse rider.

Monday 4 May 2015

Ethinic Village Resort in Jaipur

ethinic village resort in Jaipur
Sunrise Resort-Ethinic village resort

An complete Ethinic Theme village resort in Jaipur

The appearance of traditional huts and workmanship will rewind you back to the times when splendor was unpretentious. Experience the rich warmth and rustic charm of the traditional Rajasthani Village at sapno ri Dhani!! Live dance and music performance by artist throughout the evenings is one of the major attractions at Sapno ri Dhani Ethnic Village. The manifestation that the local folk artistes have received has revived many of the arts and crafts that were getting all but forgotten in these modern times. All the visitors can resist the temptation to join the artistes and dance with artist on the music.

Mehandi painting is the culture of Rajasthan.To Show the culture, Sunrise Resort provide a Mehandi wali who designs sketches on the hands by using henna as the stain.

The Sunrise Dream world Village concept also has a Dummy`s and village concept Painting and Sculpture for photography with traditional look, a national art and craft market, and many more places showing rajasthani village culture, villagers. A place where you will enjoy coming and forgetting to leave... where you will get rid off your worries and you will drown with Rajasthani art, culture and respect for the guest.

Saturday 2 May 2015

Luxury Conference Hall In Jaipur

conference hall in Jaipur
Conference Hall In Jaipur

Conference Hall or Banquet Hall In Jaipur

A healthy environment to work on big ideas...Work out new business deals …..Celebrate corporate success…implant corporate training …venues for business meets, conventions .enough rooms for get together..our spacious conference hall accommodations…… sunrise health resort have 7 conference hall, which is equipped with the latest audio visual gadgets, i.e. cordless mike, LCD, overhead projector laptop computers, white board , markers ,screen along with secretarial service and internet facilities to suite the modern needs of the companies for holding conference, seminars, training schedule , product launching etc. there exists seven conference halls of different size and shape where people can accommodate from 25 to 500 at a time keeping in view the strength asked for.

Victory Banquet Hall

t can accommodate 500 person easily, the banquet is suitable for corporate events, corporate launch, marriage and events, we offer attractive packages for corporate and marriage event function. Our package is one of the most competitive and high on quality in Jaipur.

Success Banquet Hall

It can accommodate 80 people inside; success banquet can be used for conference product launch evening get together. The banquet is popular with academic/medical conference, occasion, sport association, mehandi rasam, cocktail parties, small receptions and many more.

Maharani Banquet Hall

It can accommodate 100 people easily, the banquet is suitable for corporate events, corporate launch, marriage and event, we offer attractive packages for corporate and marriage event function. Our package is one of the most competitive and high on quality in Jaipur.

Tulip Banquet Hall

Tulip banquet hall is the smallest banquet hall adjacent to roots the night club. This banquet hall is usually used for smaller gathering. Our package is one of the most competitive and high on quality in Jaipur.

Apsara Hall

Apsara hall is the smallest banquet hall adjacent to roots the night club. This banquet hall is usually used for smaller gathering but when combined with roots the night spot, both the space can hold 60 people in all.

Sabha Conference

It can accommodate 100 people easily, the banquet is suitable for corporate events, corporate launch, marriage and event, we offer attractive packages for corporate and marriage event function. Our package is one of the most competitive and high on quality in Jaipur.

Meeting Halls Style

All conference & banquet halls can be customised as mention here. Suitable for corporate events, corporate launch and event, we offer attractive packages for corporate and event function. Our package is one of the most competitive and high on quality in Jaipur.

to know more about: Conference Hall or Banquet Hall In Jaipur at

Luxuary Conference Hall or banquet hall In Jaipur at Sunrise Health Resort

Friday 1 May 2015

yoga & meditation centre in Jaipur

yoga and meditation centre in Jaipur
Yoga centre in Jaipur

yoga and meditation centre in Jaipur

Yoga is not a religion, although its teachings are integral to most spiritual paths. It is also not a more exercise routine. Yoga is a systematic science of self discovery, with the ultimate purpose of growing towards enlightenment. Through consistent yoga practice the body achieves maximum health at any age, while the mind is purified and the emotions are stabilized. These achievements however are only the beginning of what yoga offers. It is a dynamic pathway to awareness of ones own true self. Yoga helps to release energy blockage in the Yoga practice encourages your conscious living connection.

Introduction to Yoga

Human life is a complex inter­action be­tween body, mind, social and nat­u­ral en­vi­ron­ment. In order to live a healthy and happy life in tune with nature, the physical, emo­tion­al, intel­lec­tual and spir­itu­al facets of life need to be balanced.

Asia offers tools like yoga and med­ita­tion which will help enjoy­ing life in a more healthy body with a sound and contend mind in tune with nature.

A trained body is less prone to injuries and even if weak­ness, sick­ness, and bodily dis­com­fort cannot always be avoided, the spir­i­tu­al de­vel­op­ment will help to deal with them more wisely, with less suf­fer­ing of the mind.

A content and happy mind then does not feel the urge to constantly seek­ing pleasure out­side our­selves, thus reducing our demands and the pressure on the en­vi­ron­ment and the resources of the planet.

Know more about
yoga and meditation